Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy
Extreme Protocol Solutions is a company designed around the concept of extending the life of existing technology. Our solutions are data security focused with the goal of allowing storage devices and assets containing storage devices to be refurbished, resold and reused thus minimizing Electronic Waste (e-waste) and promoting eco-friendly business practices.
Even though we are a smaller company, we are constantly striving to reduce our own Electronic Waste (e-waste) in addition to the e-waste of our customers and their customers. As such, we use a NAID AAA Certified Electronics Recycler for all of our Electronic Waste and make sure that both we and they comply with local and federal environmental legislation and other requirements, such as approved codes of practice. In addition, our component suppliers are ISO9001 certified and RoHS, REACH and RMI compliant. REACH is a horizontal legislation controlling the risks associated with chemical substances throughout their whole life cycle, while RoHS is a product-specific vertical legislation focused on hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE). Although their scopes partially overlap, they were designed to be complementary. Responsible Materials Initiative (RMI) seeks to promote the common goal of understanding and contributing to mitigating the salient social and environ- mental impacts of extraction and processing of raw materials in supply chains, leveraging direct and indirect partnerships and using international standards
As a small business, our environmental impact is equally as small, but we remain cognizant of the fact that every little thing matters in the grand scheme. Our employees all understand that any e-waste is to be sorted into the appropriate containers and once that waste has reached a specified level, our Electronic Recycling vendor is called in to pick up properly recycle, refurbish or dispose/dismantle it in accordance with regulatory guidelines. We are always striving to improve our environmental process and performance by doing a regular walk-around survey of our business to make sure we are using energy and water efficiently and whether our measures to reduce waste and pollution are effective. We always shut down large electronics when not in use, implement LED lighting in place of traditional lighting and do not use any chemicals that would negatively impact the environment. In addition, we expect environmental standards from all our suppliers and contractors that are in line with our practices. We communicate our environmental goals and objectives to our employees and external stakeholders upon request. We are committed to environmental principles and continual improvement at the highest level and assist our customers to use our solutions and services in an environmentally conscious way.
For other questions or issue, please feel free to contact us directly and follow the prompts to get to the desired contact. Tel# 508-278-3600