by rgagnon10 | Mar 4, 2019 | User Interface Customization
Q. The physical view of my Octane Erasure Appliance disappeared. Can I get it back? A. Ensure the respective workspace is loaded – go to “Design Physical Interface”, click the wrench icon to the right of “Load Workspace” under “Workspace Configuration Options”...
by rgagnon10 | Jul 23, 2018 | HDD & SSD Erasure, Solid State Disk Erasure, Useful Tools, User Interface Customization
Q. Can XErase write a stamp to block zero on a drive that contains report information visible in a media viewer? A. Yes. Navigate to Customize->Interface->Post-Erasure Events and select Write Stamp on Block Zero. Turn the feature on and hit update. You can...
by rgagnon10 | Jul 23, 2018 | HDD & SSD Erasure, Solid State Disk Erasure, Useful Tools, User Interface Customization
Q. Is there a way to weed out bad drives (too many defects or power on hours etc.?) when the drive is detected so I don’t spend processing time on drives I can’t resell? A. Yes, navigate to Customize->Interface->Recycler Mode and select the desired...
by rgagnon10 | Jul 23, 2018 | HDD & SSD Erasure, Solid State Disk Erasure, Useful Tools, User Interface Customization
Q. Can XErase change the block size of a drive from 512 to 520 or vice versa? A. Yes, you can specify block size changes on SCSI (SAS, FC, SCSI) drives from 512 to 520, 528 or whatever the drive will support and of course the reverse is true, you can take enterprise...
by rgagnon10 | Jul 23, 2018 | HDD & SSD Erasure, Useful Tools, User Interface Customization
Q. Can I set up a filter that weeds out poorly performing drives during overwrites? A. Yes. Navigate to Customize->Interface->Erasure Settings and select Action if Slow. Now you can chose to abort or FAIL a device if it performs slower (MB/s) than expected. This...