Custom Log Folders
Q. I have created custom prompts for my logs to segregate them into my folders by job, however, I’d like to include that information and additional customized data in my logs, so that the data can be output in my reports. Can XErase do that?
A. XErase has built in functionality that allows for the creation of customizable “User Fields”. These User Fields can be configured to allow for capture of data that is specific to your business needs.
This data is captured and stored in the device log file for each drive, and it can be included in the report output.
To create a User Field, click the Gear Icon in the XErase GUI to deploy the template creator.
You may create one or several fields to match your needs. Start by selecting Drive User field and then then Prompt 1. Enter a Description Such as Job ID and hit the Plus Icon. Continue to add fields as needed. Once done, hit the Gear then Update Icons to save the template to the UserFields file.
You will then need to navigate to Customize-Interface-Program Settings-User-Defined Fields and turn on this feature. Also select the UserFields Template you just created, as the default. It is required that you close XErase and restart the program for the changes to become active.